We are finally out the door after a 2 year hiatus due to Covid-19.
Visiting Veterinarians International will be traveling with 15 volunteers to Punta Gorda, Belize for a 3 day Spay & Neuter campaign January 22-24, 2020. Are hopes are to be able to examine, spay, neuter, vaccinate and heatworm test approximately 150 dogs and cats in Punta Gorda with travel to Belmopan, Belize for another 3 days campaign in Belmopan, Belize on January 27-29, 2022. Where again we hope to treat 150 pets for a total of 300 hundred pets helped in Belize. We will be working with our sponsor Dr. Floyd Bennet of Lakeview Animal clinic and Healthy Pet’s Veterinary Clinic and Belmopan Humane Society and Punta Gorda Humane Society. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and live action of our campaign.